Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
Buscador principal

Stage 8: Fresnedal – Los Melendreros


Etapa 8: Fresnedal – Los Melendreros

Amidst stone cottages to Bimenes

From Sierra del Sellón, the Nature Trail leaves County Piloña towards County Bimenes, passing through County Nava along a path dotted with cattle stone shelters, and Sierra de Peñamayor to arrive at Los Melendreros.

Panorámica de la sierra desde el alto

This stage begins in the village of Fresnedal, in County Piloña, nestled in Sierra del Sellón. It then traverses County Nava due west to Los Melendreros, in County Bimenes.

The route starts in Fresnedal, at the start panel located next to the stone basin, crosses the village, following the directional signs, and continues along a narrow dirt road that descends to the AS-254. Further on, it turns right towards the town of Puente Miera and, immediately after, turns again, this time to the left, crossing two bridges near each other.

The route then climbs up the road parallel to the River La Muriosa, past pastures dotted with trees and riparian vegetation. In this section, the road crosses the river several times, past stone huts, through meadows and small chestnut (Castanea sativa), holly (Ilex aquifolium) and oak (Quercus robur) groves.

El camino asciende hasta Les Praeres, un paraje de ganado y pastizal

Leaving Pico L'Espinazo to the left, the trail continues to climb to an intersection. There are warning signs posted at this point, as the road turns into a mountain track. Immediately after, the route ventures into County Nava, towards Collado del Felguerón, with fantastic views of the landscape.

Alternating between gravel and concrete paths (the latter on bends or very steep slopes), the road continues to climb through oak, heath and gorse woodlands. The route crosses several wooden bridges, as well as stretches where there are fences along the embankment.

After reaching the summit of El Tretu, the road starts to descend, past El Cobagal Lodge and several stone huts that dot this part of the route. It then climbs back up to Les Praeres, an area covered with pastures and studded with livestock shelters, and heads to Sierra de Peñamayor along a steep track.

La pista de zahorra desciende hasta el albergue de Fayacaba, en la imagen

In the foothills of Peñamayor, the path veers towards the Fayacaba Lodge in County Bimenes. The directional signs should be heeded as Section 8 and Section 9 of the Nature Trail coincide here.

From the lodge, the route continues to descend moderately along a concrete track to Los Melendreros, where the journey ends. The start-end panel is located next to Fuente de la Pipa, carved in stone, with wooden tables and benches to rest.



Perfil MIDE de la Etapa Fresnedal-Los Melendreros

MIDE (Method for the Information of Excursions)

(Calculated according to the MIDE criteria for an average excursionist with a light load)


Further information

Los Melendreros

At an altitude of about 600 m, on the western slope of Sierra de Peñamayor, sheltered by limestone walls, lies Los Melendreros, a settlement designated a “location” because it had neither a proper town centre nor a chapel to hold meetings. The parish church to which it belongs is three kilometres away, in the village of Piñera.

The manor, which stands parallel to the windings of the River Rozadas (Rozaes), along the bends of the terrain, is barely reminiscent of the traditional Asturian rural buildings. Nonetheless, it still has the traditional layout a typical Asturian village, with various neighbourhoods spread throughout the slope. Except for three houses with thick limestone walls that still have a “tenada” (shed), stable and dwelling, the other houses are only a modern version.

Molín de Honorio, embedded in the irrigation ditch located at the foot of the Sierra de Peñamayor, may be accessed from the road to Los Melendreros, via a downhill path along the river. The mill, camouflaged by the surrounding vegetation, is not visible from afar. To visit the mill, follow the path to the left of the river and climb over a limestone wall. Immediately after, one can glimpse the porch of the mill.

Abandoned and in disuse, the machinery inside the mill is still in good repair, despite the humidity. The building still retains its roof and the typical elements of a water mill. Next to it, the water flows in cascades of great beauty, barely two metres from the limestone wall where it is embedded.

Los Melendreros is nestled in a beautiful, windswept natural setting. One can enjoy nature while walking towards Campa Oroxu, then to Picu Jueyu, recognisable by the booster aerial atop the peak, and finally the pre-summit of Mount Fuellu, that overlooks the entire surrounding valley.



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