Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
Buscador principal

El Ferro y el Carbó Greenway Nature Trail


Camino Natural del Ferro

Across forging lands

Most of the route of this Nature Trail parallel to the River Ter, which takes its name from the wrought iron work which for centuries has made the region of Ripollés famous, takes advantage of the old mining railroad which, until the late 60s, transported coal from the mines of Ogassa and passengers to Sant Joan de les Abadesses.

1 - Section 1:

This route, which is tarmacked and perfectly signposted with signs at all the crossroads, leaves Ripoll in the direction of Sant Joan de les Abadesses along the C-26 highway, at whose last roundabout an interpretation panel for the Nature Trail and a kilometre 0 sign mark the beginning of the route.

For the first few metres, the Trail makes its way along the right-hand-side bank of the River Ter, classified as a Special Area of Conservation (SCA) and Site of Community Importance (SCI) as it is a permanent water course that allows a gallery forest to develop in excellent condition.

Aspecto del camino en la ribera del río Ter

After passing under the road, and before an area outfitted for doing physical exercise, there is a drinking water fountain. The Trail continues under poplar (Populus sp.), maple (Acer sp.) and birch (Betula sp.) trees along the bank of the river until it crosses it via an iron bridge. From this point onwards, it continues parallel to the C-62 highway, next to some basketball courts, between meadows and farmland.

On crossing the road via an underpass, you will be met by extremely beautiful rural scenery that accompanies the track as it gently ascends until it reaches the old railway facilities of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. This series of infrastructures has been refurbished so it can be used by the public and currently offers trail users a recreational area next to a hostel which was originally a goods station.

Puente de Sant Joan de les Abadesses

At this point, the tarmacked lane safely crosses the road that leads to Ogassa, as the signing is very good, which is why it is also difficult to get lost. After Toralles station, the surface changes into dirt with some sections with wooden fences and the slope plunges into a pine wood strewn with hazel-nut trees (Corylus avellana). After some bends, you reach some ruins and, a little further on, you are met by a panoramic view of a picturesque valley.

In order to reach Ogassa, a town whose origin lies in a mining colony engaged in extracting coal, El Ferro Nature Trail makes its way over two of the old railway crossings until it reaches the highest point of the first section, at 970 m, in the mines of this mountainous town which still preserves the facilities used for washing coal. You return to Sant Joan along this same path.

Branch between the old train station and Ecomuseo Molí Petit (ecomuseum)

On leaving the old station of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, follow the blue signs painted on the ground that continue until you cross the River Ter via the impressive Pont Vell or Old Bridge, which still features original Romanesque- and Gothic-style elements.

You will immediately come to the Romanesque Church of Sant Pol, built in the 12th century in honour of Saint John and Saint Paul. The route continues straight along the Alcalde Pere Rovira street until ir reachs the magnificent Monastery of San Joan de les Abadesses. It then continues along the Paseo de la Plana as far as the Carrer de les Tres Creus, where the trail turns left and reachs an old mill called the Molí Petit, that is nowadays an ecomuseum.



Perfil MIDE del CN del Ferro

MIDE (Method for the Information of Excursions)

(Calculated according to the MIDE criteria for an average excursionist with a light load)


Further information

El Ferro Nature Trail, a route for everyone

One of the most noteworthy features of the Nature Trails in Gerona is that some of the sections are suitable for special needs bicycles. Their technical specifications, for manual operation, make them easy to handle. You can hire them at the El Ferro Route rural hostel, in addition to other special needs venues along the route.

The first nine kilometres of El Ferro Nature Trail are especially suited to using not only these types of bicycles, but also wheelchairs. At any event, it is advisable to complete the route from Sant Joan de les Abadesses to Ripoll, as the difference in altitude between both towns is very slight.

Some special features of this path are its tarmacked surface, the width of the path and the excellent visibility along its whole route, which prevents possible collisions with other trail users.

The thousand lives of the Bridge of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. The Pont Vell

The first Romanesque bridge over the River Ter was built in 1138, but the enormous earthquake that shook the town in 1428 forced it to be rebuilt. This Gothic-style bridge afforded access to the mediaeval district of the Vila Vella which, as a result of the vineyards that surrounded the town’s monastery, was also known as Vinyal.

The final hard blow suffered by the Pont Vell was during the Civil War when it was blown up. Finally rebuilt in 1976 by combining the small Romanesque arches that were still standing with the large central Gothic arch, which has a span of 33 m, it is the widest bridge of all those of mediaeval origin on the Peninsula.


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